Announcing the Integration of Multichain and Ceasing of Staking Incentive on Swap.nextDAO

1 min readApr 22, 2022


Nebulas has completed integration with Multichain — a cross-chain router protocol. Users can bridge NAS from Nebulas mainnet to Binance Smart Chain. (Learn the Instruction of bridge)

When NAS is bridged to Binance Smart Chain, liquidity can be moved to the DEX support BSC network (i.e. PancakeSwap, DODO).

Swap.nextDAO will keep the Link and Swap function, however, will cease the staking incentive due to 31 May 2022. Recommend to unstake and remove your liquidity pool position as soon as possible.

The Link direction from Ethereum to Nebulas mainnet will cease on 31 May 2022. Direction from Nebulas mainnet to Ethereum will keep open for your convenience to switch nUSDT to ERC20-USDT.

Check the instruction document of Swap for:

  • 2.7.4 Cancel stake
  • 2.6.3 Remove liquidity

The events and incentive plan for the liquidity provider on BSC DEX will be announced later, please stay tuned.

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Nebulas / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.